How to Choose the Right AWS Partner to Manage Your Cloud Infrastructure

    While looking for a potential AWS partner, many companies face the following challenges:
  • How to choose the right AWS Partner?
  • What is AWS Partnership Network?
  • How to find an AWS-certified partner that possesses the expertise I need?
    This blog will help you get a better understanding of AWS Partner Network, AWS partnership types, and questions you should ask before you make a decision on what company to cooperate with.
    Start working with an AWS partner and forget about the operational overhead!

When you chose Amazon Web Services for your cloud platform, you made a good decision. AWS remains on top because it continually improves and enhances its service provisions for its users. But it is a complex environment and one which many businesses cannot navigate with expertise. Once data, apps, websites, and other infrastructure have been migrated, there is the issue of continued management, something that requires a solid level of expertise. Many businesses do not have this expertise in-house.

While AWS has its own support and automation for its users, it does not manage individual accounts. But it does understand the challenges and has established an AWS business model to meet the needs of its clients through a network of partners – organizations that meet its high standards for managed service providers.

What is AWS Partner Network?

AWS Partner Network serves a dual purpose. First, it’s a major business directory listing 1,000+ organizations that provide consulting and technical support to businesses that either want to move to the cloud or have already done so and need management or technical services. AWS partner directory (APN) is the first place where 90% of the Fortune 100 and most of the Fortune 500 companies search for solutions and services. Not to mention countless startups and small-to-mid-sized enterprises.

Secondly, AWS Partner Network is an educational program, aimed at helping all the ecosystem participants adopt, deploy and scale AWS solutions. The goal is that service providers not only manage current client services but also anticipate their clients’ needs, educate them as to those more advanced services and assist them in their efforts to become proficient themselves. This is what Amazon sees as the next-gen of managed service providers.

AWS Partnership Types

There are two types of AWS partners – Consulting and Technology

Consulting Partners provide AWS professional services in areas of infrastructure design, migration and/or development of new applications.

A key member of the AWS partner ecosystem in this category include:

  • AWS Managed Service Providers (MSPs)
  • Resellers and Value-Added Resellers (VARs)
  • System Integrators (SIs)
  • Strategic Consultancies
  • Digital Agencies.

Every partner is categorized into Registered, Standard, Advanced and Premier, depending on the level of accreditation they have earned.

AWS Technology Partners

AWS Technology Partners are companies that provide tools that are hosted on, or integrated with, the AWS platform. These partners include SaaS and PaaS providers, AWS development tool providers, and management and security vendors. Like Consulting Partners, Technology Partners are also categorized into Registered, Standard, Advanced, and Premier tiers based on their level of accreditation and engagement with AWS.

Note: AWS thoroughly vets all the contenders before adding them to their books. Every organization has to meet certain AWS partnership requirements to earn a respective cert level:

organization has to meet certain AWS partnership requirements

Source: AWS

AWS Partner Specialties Explained

AWS partner directory has listings organized:

  • by industry
  • by desired solutions
  • by types of services and workloads.

In general, AWS approved Managed Service Providers serve their traditional roles of designing, building, and implementing cloud migrations, as well as running and operating those existing environments. But, through education and their investigations, AWS customers no longer simply want the management of their current environment. They want to move beyond the basics, and they want MSPs who can analyze their needs, make recommendations, and provide the expertise to bring greater agility, optimization, and innovation going forward.

Now that you have the basic background of AWS partnerships and what they offer, it is time to look at your options, your specific needs, and find your partner. Here are your tasks.

Choosing the Right Partner – 3 Factors to Consider

Look carefully at a potential partner, for the following three things:

  1. Is this partner focused on the AWS platform? AWS ecosystem constantly evolves as the company releases new tools and makes continual improvements to existing ones. When choosing a partner, you’ll want an organization whose sole focus is on AWS rather than several major cloud platforms. You want a partner who will keep current with all of the improvements and changes, or it cannot manage your cloud presence in the best way.
  2. Review the competencies and certifications that your potential partner holds. As questions about how those relate to what your needs are. Partners have to invest in training and development to gain their certifications, and they should be continually adding competencies and certifications. Ask for the historical evidence of continual increases in certifications.
  3. Look at the engineering team. What pro certifications do they hold? Current certifications include developer, architect, SysOps administrator, solutions architect, and DevOps engineer. While not all are critical to your initial management needs, they may become so.

Choosing the Right Partner – Questions to Ask Before You Make a Partnership Decision

Certainly, you have questions to ask of any partner you are considering, such as those mentioned above. But before you even get into that, there are questions you need to ask yourself.

  1. Can you identify your goals? Do you want greater agility, faster time to market, adoption of new technology, and/or cost savings?
  2. Have you set your priorities for those goals above? These must be communicated to any partner you choose.
  3. Do you already have in-house AWS expertise? If so, what is that level of expertise?
  4. Do you want to secure in-house resources or use a wholly outsourced solution?
  5. If you plan to outsource, how involved do you want to be with management operations?

Why Choose Romexsoft as Your Managed AWS Partner

As an AWS partner, we provide both AWS Consulting Services (cloud migration, and cloud app development) and managed AWS services, to reduce costs, improve security and boost operational efficiency such as:

Whether you are just beginning your cloud journey or looking for a partner to take you to new levels of cloud services, we are your one-stop solution. We provide every client with unique consulting and managed services, based on their business goals, and design individualized blueprints for supporting their cloud infrastructure. Besides, we can proudly boast:

  • AWS-trained and certified pros
  • Continual investment in new tools and scripts to deliver the most current service levels
  • Proactive monitoring, real-time alerts, and reporting

Get in touch today, and let’s discuss your needs.

    Choosing the right partner to manage AWS infrastructure FAQ

    What are the benefits of working with an AWS partner for managing cloud infrastructure?

    Working with an AWS partner can provide several benefits such as access to certified professionals with deep knowledge of AWS services, proactive monitoring and real-time alerts, and cost optimization. AWS partners like Romexsoft also offer unique consulting and managed services tailored to your business goals, and they continually invest in new tools and scripts to deliver the most current service levels.

    How does the AWS partner network technology partners differ from AWS partner network consulting partners?

    AWS partner network technology partners are companies that provide tools that are hosted on, or integrated with AWS. These can include SaaS and PaaS tools, AWS development tools, and management and security offerings. On the other hand, AWS partner network consulting partners provide professional services in areas of infrastructure design, migration, and/or development of new applications. They include AWS Managed Service Providers (MSPs), Resellers and Value-Added Resellers (VARs), System Integrators (SIs), Strategic Consultancies, and Digital Agencies.

    What are the key considerations when choosing an AWS APN partner?

    Key considerations when choosing an AWS APN partner include the partner's focus on the AWS platform, the competencies and certifications that the partner holds, and the expertise of the engineering team. It's also important to consider your own goals and priorities, your level of in-house AWS expertise, and your desired level of involvement with management operations.

    How can I find an AWS partner that meets my specific needs?

    You can find an AWS partner that meets your specific needs by searching the AWS partner directory (APN). This directory lists over 1,000 organizations that provide consulting and technical support to businesses. You can search for partners by industry, desired solutions, types of services, and workloads. It's also important to ask potential partners about their AWS certifications, their focus on the AWS platform, and the expertise of their engineering team.

    Serhiy Kozlov
    Serhiy Kozlov CEO, Romexsoft
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