Category: Application Modernization

AWS vs Azure vs GCP Comparison – Foundational Overview
Application Modernization
AWS vs Azure vs GCP Comparison – Foundational Overview

Which cloud platform reigns supreme? Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud? In this article, we explore identical cloud services from these leading providers, with their distinct offerings and shared traits.

Keep on reading to find out how these platforms measure up against each other at an organizational level and which one has the upper hand in the AWS vs Azure vs GCP comparison. Upon pursuing this article, you will be able to:

  • Trace back the origin and strategic approaches of major cloud providers
  • Compare GCP, AWS and Azure’s cloud computing offerings
  • Investigate the merits and demerits of cloud platforms
How To Optimize Cloud Cost Using the AWS Well-Architected Framework
Application Modernization
How To Optimize Cloud Cost Using the AWS Well-Architected Framework

Efficient cloud cost management is a paramount concern for businesses that prioritize innovation and their competitive standing. At the same time, heavy reliance on cloud services to deliver value effectively, smoothly, and rapidly entails the need for cost optimization while maintaining performance. For many businesses, a journey of achieving maximal cost efficiency is challenging to set out on independently, so this article recites the strategies and helpful measures one can employ on the way to sustainable cost optimization.

It also covers the questions of:

  • How the AWS Well-Architected Framework handles cloud costs
  • Why and how to analyze business expenditure
  • What the cost optimization strategy implementation entails
  • How AWS tools aid in cost management
  • What role AWS-certified partners play in maximizing cost efficiency.
How to Evolve Application Architecture When Constantly Adding New Features: Romexsoft Experience
Application Modernization
How to Evolve Application Architecture When Constantly Adding New Features: Romexsoft Experience

A pivotal step in modernizing application architecture is migrating from monoliths to microservices. While the benefits of containerized application architecture and microservices are well-known, the actual process of migrating can be a perplexing task, especially on the first attempt. In this article, we are exploring our individual experience of making the shift, the challenges faced, and strategies for a successful migration with the example of the application, developed by us from scratch. Upon browsing through the article, you will find out:

  • how we developed a web-based app on monolithic architecture;
  • what changes we implemented in preparation for migration to the microservices architecture;
  • what we applied to comply with HIPAA;
  • what lessons engineers can learn from our trials and errors.
Application Modernization Foundations for Successful Cloud Journey
Application Modernization
Application Modernization Foundations for Successful Cloud Journey

As you are assumingly after getting maximum transformational value out of the cloud to ultimately deliver more value to your customers rather than solely provide services, you may be interested in what a modern application is and how to get hold of it. Business application modernization is no straightforward task, and in order to leverage cloud capabilities and improve competitive position, one should get the hang of both basics and intricacies. So we are here for you, to shed light on:

  • what a modern application is
  • what stumbling blocks occur on the way to app modernization
  • how much SRE affects app modernization and migration
  • what difference the DevSecOps processes make
  • how to modernize apps successfully.
AWS Cost Optimization: How Cost Saving Works in Amazon Cloud
Application Modernization AWS Cloud Solutions
AWS Cost Optimization: How Cost Saving Works in Amazon Cloud

While one of your long-term business objectives may be cost optimization, it is virtually impossible to set such a complex process in motion without getting into the specifics. We have drafted this article to give you insights into how to save costs on AWS. Upon reading you will learn about:

  • the role of business value in cloud economics;
  • four pillars of the Cloud Value Framework;
  • AWS cost savings analysis and its purpose;
  • AWS cost reduction strategy;
  • AWS cost optimization principles.
Application Modernization on AWS Cloud – a Comprehensive Guide
Application Modernization
Application Modernization on AWS Cloud – a Comprehensive Guide

Free up your time and focus by getting the most essential information on software modernization in a detailed but concise guide to Application Modernization on AWS Cloud. We’ve put together an article which will leave you doubtless on a perplexing and complicated topic of app modernization.

What you’re about to figure out is:

  • reasons for app modernizing;
  • why modernize app with AWS;
  • modernization in its stages and phases;
  • approaches and strategies of modernizing;
  • useful services to speed up the process.
Legacy System Assessment for Further Application Modernization
Application Modernization
Legacy System Assessment for Further Application Modernization

After reading this article, not only will you get acquainted with the fundamentals of the legacy app assessment, but also gain insights on how to implement the practical suggestions to take full advantage of your system review.

Initial steps matter the most, so if you’re contemplating digital transformation and legacy systems modernization, understanding the meaning and their essence related specifically to your organization is essential.

ISO 27001 Compliance: How to Prepare Your SaaS
Application Modernization
ISO 27001 Compliance: How to Prepare Your SaaS

In an attempt to bypass all new emerging threats, numerous SaaS owners have gone for the leading security standard – ISO 27001. Many companies, though, are still contemplating ISO certification so we have created this article to clarify:

  • Why comply with the ISO 27001 standard
  • What ISO 27001 is and what it covers
  • What benefits of ISO 27001-compliance SaaS gets
  • How to prepare for ISO 27001 audits and certification
  • How Romexsoft can help SaaS become ISO compliant.
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