Automation Testing Services

Obtain productivity gains, expedited time-to-market, and flawlessly executed software releases with Romexsoft’s automation testing services.

automation testing services

Automation Testing Services Use Cases

Explore our diverse range of potential use cases, showcasing the versatility and effectiveness of automation testing as a service in solving complex challenges in software development. This knowledge can benefit potential service customers in making informed decisions when choosing QA service vendor.

Regression Testing

Regression Testing

Automated test cases allow for more frequent and efficient regression testing. It is not only the acceleration in the latter that accounts for significant amounts of time and effort savings. Early defect detection as well as ensured stability of the previously implemented functionality also add up to flawless execution enabling to focus on the critical aspects.

Cross-browser testing

Cross-Browser Testing

Automation testing ensures consistent application behavior across different browsers and platforms. It is by identifying compatibility issues early on that automation improves the user experience and guarantees that the application works seamlessly in diverse environments: regardless of devices and configurations.

CICD Integration

CI/CD Integration

Automated testing integrated into CI/CD pipelines enables quick feedback on code changes, reduces the risk of introducing bugs, and ensures overall software stability throughout the development cycle. Such seamless integration contributes to faster, smoother, and more reliable deployments.

Load and Performance Testing

Load and Performance Testing

Automation QA for load and performance helps simulate high user traffic scenarios, identifies performance bottlenecks, and measures system response times under varying loads. Early scalability issue detection optimizes system resources in order to ensure a smooth user experience even during peak usage periods.

Integration Testing

Integration Testing

Automation testing streamlines the verification of system integration and communication between software components or APIs. With timely integration issues diagnosis, automation testing saves time accelerating defects detection, and ensuring the smooth functioning of interconnected systems.

Mobile Application Testing

Mobile Application Testing

Automation tests for mobile applications provide faster and more reliable testing across various devices, operating systems, and screen sizes. While manual effort reduced, automation helps identify compatibility issues, validates mobile-specific features, and ensures consistent user experiences across all devices.

Understanding Our Automation Testing Process

Discover how we usually set up the working process with our clients for QA automation projects. Understanding this process is crucial for potential clients, as it ensures transparency, sets clear expectations, and helps align our methods with the project goals.

Requirement and Analysis

Our approach involves collaborating with the client so as to fully understand the scope of the project, its requirements and objectives. Subsequently, we analyze the current testing process, identify areas for automation, and define the project goals clearly.

Test Strategy and Planning

At the next stage, our experts formulate a test strategy, outlining the precise approach, methodologies, and technical stack to be employed. This includes a comprehensive test plan with a defined scope, timelines, and resource requirements.

Test Environment Setup

Once the test strategy and plan are in, we proceed to setting up the necessary infrastructure, including hardware, software, and automation tools. Then we configure the test environment, whether on premises or in AWS cloud, ensuring they mirror the production environment as closely as possible in order to simulate real-world scenarios and detect potential issues before they get the chance to occur.

Test Cases Design

The collaboration with the client continues to identify and prioritize test cases suitable for automation. What we do is discuss the critical functionality, business flows, and key scenarios to be covered. Then we design and develop automated test scripts using selected automation tools and frameworks. Those scripts are necessarily reviewed, refined, and optimized to ensure efficient and reliable test execution.

Executing Test Cases

Our team performs automated test suites with meticulous attention, overseeing and managing the entire test execution process. We diligently log and track defects, analyze test results, and provide clients with comprehensive reports that offer valuable insights. We prioritize regular communication and status updates, ensuring you are continuously informed about the progress and results of the testing.

Automation Testing Services Benefits

Higher software quality and reliability

Automation QA ensures superior software quality and increased reliability by consistently detecting defects and verifying functionality.

Reduced costs and increased ROI

Automation testing reduces manual effort and associated costs, leading to a higher return on investment of your applications and solutions.

Improved development team productivity

Automation testing frees up the development team from time-consuming manual testing, allowing them to focus on core development works.

Faster time-to-market

With automation testing, software can be delivered faster as it significantly reduces the time spent on QA, accelerating the overall development cycle.

Our Automation Testing Toolkit

Python icon
selenium logo
serenity logo
Serenity BDD
rest assured
REST Assured
locust logo
Protractor Automation QA_logo
Cypress logo

Have a talk with our automation testing expert

Schedule a call with our team of development professionals to get more insight about automation testing services.

Our Automation Testing Case Studies

Explore how our QA engineers applied their expertise in the client’s mobile application business logic, user flows, and test scenarios, implementing a suitable automation testing process with Appium.

Explore how automated testing eliminated human errors, saved development time, and accelerated bug detection, enhancing overall product quality.

We rapidly formed a skilled, dedicated development team to meet the client's urgent need for building a software solution from scratch.

Our Clients

Ultra Commerce logo
Savvy Money Logo
Omnyfy logo
Trinity Audio logo
Healthera logo
Digitail - The all-in-one software for veterinary clinics
LearnCube logo
Greenfence logo
Gorgany logo
Pragma-IT therapyBOSS logo
UpTick logo

What Our Clients Say

Our experience working with Romexsoft's automation QA team has been extremely positive. What's equally impressive is their professionalism and ability to quickly grasp complex business logic. As a result, they've been able to efficiently identify consequential test cases, develop well-structured test scripts and implement them within a scalable framework that included integration with our CI/CD pipeline. Their contribution is directly responsible for a dramatic reduction of our reliance on manual testing and enabling us to identify issues earlier in the development process with a higher degree of reliability.

Gennady Gandelman
CEO @ Pragma-IT

The system introduced by Romextsoft was significantly cheaper than the client's previous third-party alternative. The product was reliable. The team was responsive, easy to work with, and facilitated direct calls for the project's progress. The team is very knowledgeable and quick to acquire answers if further research is required. They were very efficient in handing over the project upon completion. They are also proactive in recommending/identifying infrastructure problem spots and potential cost reductions.

Daniel O'Reilly
CTO @ LearnCube

Why Romexsoft is the Right Choice as an Automation Testing Company

Since 2004, we have been a trusted and AWS-certified software development vendor. We consistently deliver modern, flexible, and cost-effective solutions, having collaborated with the majority of our customers for over four years on average

Customer-First Culture

Customer-first culture

60% of our clients have been working with us for over 4 years maximizing their ROI by leveraging long-term partner relationships.

5 Star Rating

5-star review rating

90% of our clients are willing to recommend us due to transparency, responsiveness, and strong AWS expertise.

Full-fledged AWS expertise

Our engineers passed AWS certifications that validates their technical competency in a wide specter of AWS tools and solutions.

Automation Testing Services FAQ

What are automation testing services?

Automation testing services refer to the outsourcing of software testing activities to specialized service providers or dedicated testing teams. It involves leveraging automation tools and frameworks to execute test cases, validate software functionality, and identify defects efficiently. By automating repetitive tasks, businesses can achieve faster test cycles, improved test coverage, and higher software quality.

Which tool is best for automation testing?

The choice of the best tool for automation testing depends on various factors, such as the nature of the application, technology stack, and specific project requirements. Popular platforms for automation testing include Selenium WebDriver, Appium (for mobile automation), and Cypress (for modern web applications). When selecting an automation testing tool, it is essential to primarily evaluate among other factors the compatibility, features, community support, and ease of integration with your existing toolchain.

How to evaluate a QA automation services company?

When evaluating a QA automation services company, consider the following factors:
Expertise: Assess their experience, domain knowledge, and proficiency in automation testing tools and frameworks.
Experience: Review the vendors’ past projects, case studies, and testimonials to gauge their track record and success stories.
Team: Evaluate the skill set, certifications, and qualifications of their QA automation professionals.
Methodologies: Inquire about their testing methodologies, processes, and tools they use for test automation.
Communication skills: Evaluate the communication skills of a QA automation service company based on their responsiveness, clarity, collaboration, transparency, listening skills, language proficiency, and quality of documentation.

What is trending in test automation?

Several trends are shaping the field of test automation services right now, they are the following:
Shift-left Testing: Emphasizing early involvement of testing activities in the development lifecycle to catch defects earlier and reduce rework.
AI and Machine Learning: Integration of AI and ML technologies in test automation tools for smarter test generation, self-healing tests, and intelligent reporting.
Containerization: Adoption of container technologies, like Docker and Kubernetes, to create portable and scalable test environments for automation.
Agile and DevOps Testing: Incorporating test automation into Agile and DevOps methodologies to achieve faster feedback, continuous testing, and seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines.
API and Microservices Testing: Increasing focus on API and microservices testing to ensure the robustness and interoperability of distributed systems.

Looking for professional automation testing?
Book a consultation with our certified experts.