Category: Big Data

The digital space has become an integral part of our everyday lives. Users worldwide have been producing loads of data there. Speaking of numbers, the total amount of data is 2.7 Zettabytes. The data comes from variable sources: transactions, social media, internet applications. The phrase Big Data describes the increasing volumes of digital information. Image […]

There is no denying that since The Digital Revolution, our world has become majorly data-driven. At the current pace, people are producing around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day. And the numbers aren’t about to stop growing. Considering that, data has become quite a valuable asset in any marketing strategy. Nowadays, businesses are constantly […]

Get to know why Ukraine is one of the most attractive countries for outsourcing data science services.

Learn how to empower digital marketing with big data. Expert commentary on personalization, retention and targeted marketing campaigns from data scientists.
Learn the use cases of Big Data for micro-targeting and customer journey personalization in e-commerce and how these could be leveraged in your business.
The benefits of big data analysis for financial risk management explained with examples, use cases and commentary from experienced developers.
Learn what is the difference between Spark and Hadoop frameworks for working with big data and determine which to use for your project.