Romexsoft Blog

Latest blogs, recommendations, and insights from Romexsoft's Team

10 min read

JavaScript for Front-End Development: Basics and Concepts

What is Javascript

Unlock the power of JavaScript for front-end web development. This comprehensive guide covers everything from the basics of JavaScript syntax, variables, and data types, to control flow, functions, and objects. Whether you're a beginner or looking to deepen your understanding, explore how JavaScript's versatility and simplicity make it a cornerstone of modern web development.

Application Modernization Foundations for Successful Cloud Journey

Application Modernization Foundations for Successful Cloud Journey

As you are assumingly after getting maximum transformational value out of the cloud to ultimately deliver more value to your customers rather than solely provide services, you may be interested in what a modern application is and how to get hold of it. Business application modernization is no straightforward task, and in order to leverage cloud capabilities and improve competitive position, one should get the hang of both basics and intricacies. So we are here for you, to shed light on:

  • what a modern application is
  • what stumbling blocks occur on the way to app modernization
  • how much SRE affects app modernization and migration
  • what difference the DevSecOps processes make
  • how to modernize apps successfully.

What is PWA: Progressive Web Apps and Offline Capabilities

progressive web apps

Explore the transformative power of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in the digital realm. Dive deep into their unique capabilities, from bridging the divide between web and native apps to their standout offline functionalities. Learn about the benefits of PWAs, their offline capabilities, caching strategies, performance optimization, and more. Understand why businesses are increasingly adopting PWAs for a seamless, user-friendly, and cost-effective solution.

What is Front-End Development?

what is front end development

This article provides an in-depth introduction to front-end web development. It covers the roles and importance of front-end developers, essential skills required in the field, and a deep dive into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - the three fundamental technologies used in front-end development. The article also discusses other vital aspects such as responsive design, version control, browser developer tools, and more. It serves as a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in learning front-end development or enhancing their existing skills.

Modern Data Architecture with AWS Cloud

Modern Data Architecture with AWS Cloud

Architecture modernization in data processing may be presented as a perfect solution to the efficacy, cost and performance optimization issues among businesses, though it is the question of appropriate and timely execution of the latest approaches. For this reason, we offer you a piece of reading that will inform you about the fundamentals and pitfalls in the process of building modern data architecture for the most up-to-date applications. The article recounts:

  • data challenges of traditional data architecture
  • gains from adopting modern data architecture
  • modern data architecture implementation strategy
  • modern data architecture orchestration
  • modern data architecture AWS-based services.

Frameworks and Libraries in Front-End Development

Front-End Frameworks and Lbraries in 2023

Explore the world of front-end development with our comprehensive guide on frameworks and libraries. Understand their role, benefits, popular choices like React, Angular, and Vue.js, and how to select the right tool for your project. Stay ahead in the evolving landscape of front-end development with our insights.

18 min read

How to Expand Business Value With AWS Cloud Financial Management

Cloud Financial Management on AWS – Romexsoft

As businesses increasingly look to the cloud to provide the scalability and agility, they often mistakenly assume that cloud-based systems are the most cost-effective solution. However, without proper financial governance, the cost savings promised by the cloud can quickly disperse. To address this challenge, Cloud Financial Management (CFM) has emerged to help organizations strike a balance between performance and spending. This article illustrates the fundamentals of CFM, including:

  • the concept, purpose, and impact of CFM;
  • four key areas of Cloud Financial Management;
  • most effective CFM practices to make the difference.

AWS Cost Optimization: How Cost Saving Works in Amazon Cloud

AWS Cost Optimization – How Cost Saving Works

While one of your long-term business objectives may be cost optimization, it is virtually impossible to set such a complex process in motion without getting into the specifics. We have drafted this article to give you insights into how to save costs on AWS. Upon reading you will learn about:

  • the role of business value in cloud economics;
  • four pillars of the Cloud Value Framework;
  • AWS cost savings analysis and its purpose;
  • AWS cost reduction strategy;
  • AWS cost optimization principles.

16 min read

Constructive Cloud Migration Best Practices You Should Know in Advance

Cloud migration best practices you should know in advance

Cloud migration can be a challenging endeavor that depends on many factors that govern your business processes. In this article we have collected some of the key points that can be addressed during the initial stages of your migration to cloud and that can be tracked throughout the duration of the project to help you overcome most of the common cloud migration challenges.

After reading this article you will become familiar with the People, Technology, and Process perspectives of cloud migration best practices.

Application Modernization on AWS Cloud – a Comprehensive Guide

Application Modernizagtion on AWS Cloud

Free up your time and focus by getting the most essential information on software modernization in a detailed but concise guide to Application Modernization on AWS Cloud. We’ve put together an article which will leave you doubtless on a perplexing and complicated topic of app modernization.

What you’re about to figure out is:

  • reasons for app modernizing;
  • why modernize app with AWS;
  • modernization in its stages and phases;
  • approaches and strategies of modernizing;
  • useful services to speed up the process.