Front-End Development Services

We create software that looks stunning on all screens and loads fast works without a tiny hiccup.

front-end development services

Front-End Development Services Use Cases

Our services have been instrumental in various scenarios. Each use case highlights our expertise in delivering user-friendly, efficient, and aesthetically appealing digital solutions tailored to meet specific business needs and objectives. Our custom front-end development services rely on creativity and pushing the boundaries to cater to all those needs and deliver the same feeling over different devices.

Crafting stunning applications that perform

Crafting website designs that look good is just part of our job. If you lure behind the enticing visual facade, you’ll discover lean code to power up all the mighty functionality created by our back-end ninjas. Smooth, fast and intuitive navigation comes as a guaranteed part of our front-end programming services.

Crafting stunning applications

UX services for optimizing user journeys

Our web development company will make sure your users can get to the ultimate goal as fast as possible and map out the natural navigation flow you need them to follow. Your branding and the ethos of your company are carefully waved inside each and every website element to give your product a professional appearance and leverage your credibility.

ux services

Design for functionality and striking user experience

The website design services we offer include cross-platform optimization as we use the pixel-perfect approach. We code perfection on the pixel level. Each pixel is utilized to its fullest to create a sharp, coherent and clean look for your product. Nothing is blurred or muddied by compression algorithms. That’s our secret ingredient to make designs “look nicer for no apparent reason”.

Design for functionality

Technology Specific Front-End Services

React.js development

Adopt React.js development to create efficient and consumer-focused web applications. React.js provides enhanced performance, scalability and a secure ecosystem that ensures your web application's high performance and reliability in any conditions.

Node.js development

Construct high-performing, easily scalable software that guarantees a robust level of security, fault tolerance, and resilience. Node.js-based applications are fully compatible with auto-scaling cloud services which ensures prevention from potential app crash.

Angular development

Angular is a widely utilized JavaScript framework renowned for its front-end development capacities. From captivating UX/UI interfaces, to intricate enterprise-level applications, and far beyond, this framework is replete with superior features that have made it an exceptional choice for making software.

Polymer.js development

Polymer.js enables developers to construct CSS, HTML, and encapsulated js for crafting responsive designs. It offers the ability to form robust and reusable web components. The library built to deliver the encapsulation and extensibility in a front-end development.

Next.js development

Construct high-speed Next.js websites to drive more audiences, to build superior user experience, and to enhance conversion. Engage top Next.js developers for your project.

Vue.js development

The Vue.js environment provides unfettered versatility and scalability. It is an optimal choice for start-ups that need a technology to initiate rapidly and to augment their business operations as they expand.

The Toolkit We Use for Front-End Development

html5 icon
CSS icon
Angular icon
JavaScript icon
Redux icon
next-js logo
Node.js icon
Bootstrap icon
Polymer icon

Our Front-End Development Case Studies

We rapidly formed a skilled, dedicated development team to meet the client's urgent need for building a software solution from scratch.

Discover how we improved the client's development capabilities and minimized Total Cost of Ownership during the creation of a stock trading app that achieved quick market entry.

Unveil how we delivered a solution that empowers publishers to convert text to speech, generating revenue from their content.

What Our Clients Say

Romexsoft developed both the front- and backend of the app. They also built the server-side along with all the functionality that we needed. Our product requires heavy front- and backend work in AWS, but we didn’t have the budget to onboard and support a full development team, seeing as we’re a small startup company. Romexsoft offered an effective solution to turn our idea into a scalable, workable product that we can present to prospective investors.

Jim Stemper
CEO @ Uptick Stocks

Romexsoft has built a skilled and proactive team for SavvyMoney, eager to propose new solutions and hire expertise when needed. They have very good developers. The Romexsoft team is fairly well versed in English, both written and spoken. We haven’t had the same problem with them as with other vendors. It’s a pleasure to work with Romexsoft, and I would highly recommend them.

Bhavna Guglani
VP of Product @ SavvyMoney

Our Clients

Ultra Commerce logo
Savvy Money Logo
Omnyfy logo
Trinity Audio logo
Healthera logo
Digitail - The all-in-one software for veterinary clinics
LearnCube logo
Greenfence logo
Gorgany logo
Pragma-IT therapyBOSS logo
UpTick logo

Why Romexsoft is the Right Choice as an Front-End Development Company

Since 2004, we have been a trusted and AWS-certified software development vendor. We consistently deliver modern, flexible, and cost-effective solutions, having collaborated with the majority of our customers for over four years on average.

Customer-first culture

60% of our clients have been working with us for over 4 years maximizing their ROI by leveraging long-term partner relationships.

Versatile engagement models

Versatile engagement models

Our models are designed for ensuring efficient collaboration and predictable outcomes for diverse business requirements.

Full-fledged AWS expertise

Our engineers passed AWS certifications that validates their technical competency in a wide specter of AWS tools and solutions.

Have a talk with our front-end development expert

Schedule a call with our front-end expert to identify the key challenges that might affect your business.

How Front-End Development Services Work at Romexsoft

Front-End Development at Romexsoft encompass a professional and systematic approach to building the user-facing part of applications. The front-end seamlessly integrates with back-end functionalities, focusing on performance, scalability, and a compelling user experience. Our development toolkit is powered up with the latest technologies and we are always open to adopting new trends, which can bring better results for your product.

Request analysis

We’ll sit down and go through all your specifications and requests. We can meet your boldest fantasies in terms of custom functionality and high-load.

request analysis

UI/UX prototyping

After settling on your concept and design, we’ll create the wireframe and prototypes with the help of our UX pros. We’ll run behavior scenarios to make sure your users get to the final point with the minimum steps.

ui ux prototyping

Design implementation

Pleased with the initial prototypes? Great, our development team will get to work and turn the flat visuals into an attractive, ready-to-use, responsive web interface, obviously optimized for mobile as well.

design implementation

Front-End Development Services FAQ

What is front end development?

Front-end development is the web development part related to what users see on their end. By “translating” the backend code into the graphical user interface, frontend developers need to make sure that the data and other elements are presented correctly and that the functionality works as intended. Frontend developers use a number of web technologies, such as HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), JavaScript, and WebAssembly. Besides that, in some cases in order to perform frontend web development services, additional tools and platforms like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal can be used.

What exactly does front end developer do?

Front-end development services encompass everything related to the “front” part of the software. So front-end developers are responsible for the parts of the web development that users see and interact with. They create the website’s interface and logic, pay attention to users experience and build such interface elements as buttons, links, pictures, animations, etc. They transform backend code into a graphic user interface and implement layouts according to the customer’s requirements and design preferences. Frontend developers’ job is also to make the website look equally well across different devices and browsers and to ensure a smooth user experience, optimizing it along the way.

What makes the front end development work effective?

The ultimate target of frontend experts is to design satisfying and comprehensible user experience. For this purpose the application must work fast enough and function as intended across the web, mobile, and desktop devices. A user must easily understand the interface and quickly find what they want. 

The interface and functionality of the website must align with the business objectives and encourage visitors to do the intended actions. Good frontend work boosts user satisfaction and retention, which is a key to business success. If companies work on software and do not have an inhouse expertise in frontend, they can partner with a front end development agency that has access to the pool of experts in this field.

How to understand if the front-end developer’s skills match the project needs?

First and foremost, front-end developer should have the fundamental knowledge and skills in HTML – to be able to structure web pages; in CSS – to make web pages look as intended on the design; in JavaScript – to program web pages functionality. Second, building websites includes a bunch of repetitive tasks. This is where front-end frameworks and libraries come into use. They have a lot of ready made code that developers can reuse so this helps developers to make the job done faster. Among other tech skills which are also important for a front-end developer are: сross-browser and device testing, web performance optimization (WPO) and search engine optimization (SEO).

Finding people who are strong programmers is just a part of the task. A truly good web developer should also have an understanding of web design principles, adequate communication skills as well as eagerness to learn new stuff.

Interested in front-end development services?
Book a consultation with our dedicated experts.