Romexsoft AWS Cloud Solutions Blog

Latest blogs, recommendations, and insights from Romexsoft's Team on AWS Cloud Solutions

How to merge DevOps and Cloud Development

DevOps and Cloud Development

In the era of digital transformation, where innovation is the name of the game, the marriage of DevOps practices and cloud development is a strategic alliance poised to reshape the way businesses approach application delivery. Here's what you can expect to glean from our exploration of merging DevOps and cloud development:

  • Streamlined Development: Discover how this integration simplifies and accelerates the development process, allowing for faster time-to-market.
  • Improved Collaboration: Learn how DevOps and cloud development foster collaboration among development, operations, and testing teams, breaking down silos.
  • Scalability Unleashed: Explore how the cloud empowers your applications to scale dynamically, meeting changing demands seamlessly.
  • Cost Efficiency: Uncover strategies for optimizing costs by eliminating the need for in-house data centers and reducing IT personnel expenses.
  • Enhanced Security: Dive into the security benefits of cloud development and best practices for safeguarding your applications and data.
  • Global Reach: Understand how cloud services enable global availability, ensuring your applications are accessible to users worldwide.

In this article, we guide you through the fusion of DevOps and cloud development, providing invaluable insights and strategies for achieving development excellence in the digital age.

19 min read

An overview of Serverless services on AWS

Serverless services on AWS

    Due to constant digitalization many companies try to make a mark and opt for serverless applications and services.
    The pain points serverless services help to solve:
  • Scalability
  • Costs spent on in-house data centers & servers
  • Expenses on IT specialists to support & maintain in-house servers
    Learn about the most popular AWS serverless services grouped according to their functions. Serverless services will make your application secure, scalable, reliable, and available globally.

What are Microservices? Microservices Examples

Microservices Architecture

Developers use microservices to build scalable and functional applications piece by piece. Such architectures help deliver a more complex app structure without trying to create…

12 Ways to Reduce your AWS costs

AWS cost-reduction practices

Switching from in-house hardware to cloud solutions can lead to significant cost reduction. However, it's easy to overspend without proper AWS cost optimisation. Unnoticed expenses, such as unused instances, obsolete snapshots, and unattached volumes, can inflate your AWS bill. Cost optimisation not only saves money but also makes your infrastructure leaner and more efficient, improving performance and user experience. It also encourages proactive infrastructure management, leading to more informed decision-making. This post explores 12 AWS cost reduction strategies, including using Reserved Instances, Compute Savings Plans, Amazon EC2 Spot Instances, and AWS Auto Scaling. It also discusses the importance of terminating unused assets, using AWS monitoring tools, and regularly assessing and analyzing your cloud environment.

9 min read

The Benefits of Electronic Health Records

Benefits of Electronic Health Records

Electronic Health Records are disrupting today’s healthcare industry. Find out what’s so special and how EHR can help optimize treatment processes.

4 min read

Amazon Polly – Text-to-Speech

Amazon Polly - Romexsoft

Thanks to Amazon Polly the conversion of written texts into audio is now fast and effortless. In this article we will dwell upon:

  • Benefits of Amazon Polly
  • Remarkable Features Amazon Polly Offers
  • Niche Use Cases
  • Amazon Polly allows content creators to convert written content into high-quality, natural-sounding human voices in dozens of languages.

Cloud-Native Applications: An Essential Guide

Cloud-Native Applications

In the data-driven modern world, app development technologies are constantly evolving. Users and companies process, access and deliver tons of information every single day, so there is no wonder more and more various ways how to build an application appear. In this article, the cloud-native application, its benefits and drawbacks, methods and meaning will be discussed.

Simplifying Cloud Storage Costs: How AWS S3 Pricing Works


    Want to have a better understanding of the S3 Pricing Models and of additional useful instruments for work with S3?
    In this article you will get to know:
    • What is AWS S3
    • How AWS S3 Pricing works
    • What AWS Tools can be utilized for work with S3
    Besides that this article will help you better understand the structure of S3 Pricing Models and give insights on how to manage your S3 bills and what free options AWS offers.

AWS Cloud Monitoring: Best Practices and Tools

AWS cloud monitoring

It can't be denied that migrating your business' operations to cloud provides you with unparalleled benefits. From cost reduction to elimination of hardware maintenance -…

14 min read

AWS HIPAA Compliance: Best Practices Checklist

AWS HIPAA Compliance

    Companies that decide to build HIPAA compliant apps on AWS, should know the following:
  • Is AWS cloud HIPAA compliant?
  • Is it compulsory to sign a Business Partner Agreement with AWS?
  • What is Shared Responsibility?
  • How to use AWS tools correctly to make the app HIPAA compliant?
  • What requirements and controls are recommended to be implemented?
    This checklist will assist you in building a scalable, reliable and secure HIPAA compliant solution on AWS.