Web Summit 2016: Fear is not an option!

November 7-10, 2016 Romexsoft Business Development team had visited Lisbon to attend Web Summit 2016. Get more insights on the event in our report below.

Romexsofters have chosen Web Summit as a destination since it is one of the biggest, diverse technology innovation conferences in the world with quite a unique approach and a lot of love for tech.

Here you can meet talented startups that are ready to disrupt markets, established company leaders who know markets as their own hands and highly talented software/hardware developers who know things others can’t even imagine.

Our CEO Serhiy Kozlov and New Business Executive Solomiya Zahray were quite impressed by the size of event, speakers, and entrepreneurs and would like to share their thoughts and insights with you:

Serhiy Kozlov, CEO and Founder of Romexsoft:

Serhiy Kozlov

First of all, I would like to note that Web Summit is an incredibly impressive event where all participants of the entrepreneurial ecosystem gather: from consumers to creative young startups and market leaders.

After talking with many conference participants, after listening many speeches and after drinking a lot of coffee, I would like to share two of my own conclusions about the event, and the market in general:

1.Portugal is a country with extraordinary people open to new things. As for the IT business, it can be viewed as a country free of political risks, including the military one, which is an important factor in choosing a business partner today. Another advantage of Portugal in the IT area is the low pricing policy – the cost of attracting Senior Developer is half the cost of the same specialist in Ukraine.

Although the current level of IT education in Portugal isn’t very high, in the next 3-5 years things be can changed. This is a clear signal for Ukrainian companies to strengthen our market positions by technological differentiation.

2.As for the Web Summit I was mostly impressed with the speech made by Gary Vaynerchuk regarding changes that occur daily in media, in politics and generally in society. Today, the consumer doesn’t want to receive information from the TV screens, radio, and even the Internet on time chosen by media holdings. The modern consumer is more selective and receives information only in a convenient time and place by changing the media channels and blocking any adware. This means that information broadcasted by vendors should be educational, useful and engage gradually at the first place and only after certain number of interactions – the selling one.

If the entrepreneur doesn’t look forward to change methods of communication with customers and methods of promoting his own product he soon won’t be able to compete.

And most importantly – “Fear – is not an option.” Don’t be afraid to try something new, don’t be afraid to start from scratch and don’t worry if you’re not the pioneer. The best is yet to come so get inspired and do what you love!

P.S. See you on Web Summit 2017!


Solomiya Zahray, New Business Executive at Romexsoft:

Romexsoft vs Trello

Solomiya Zahray with Michael Pryor, Trello CEO and Co-Founder

Let’s face it – Web Summit is all about insights, talks, and deep knowledge, yes but – it’s moreover a place to meet exciting people, visionaries, makers, innovators, influencers from around the globe. The ones, one usually calls “the crazy ones”: daring, strong and open minded. As with any event Web Summit was about making right connections. I am a strong believer that friends and good manners will carry you where money won’t go – because it’s all about the human factor, it’s all about believing that one can make this world better, diverse and more human (tech world problems of the 21st century).

With nearly 50k+ attendees it was an overwhelming event in many aspects – catching your breath could be difficult at times; while attending educational and exploratory events at day, networking events at evenings provided a far better way to bond and discuss ideas in a more relaxed setting.

I would like to thank the organizers for making a great effort in regard to gender equality by giving away 10 000 free tickets for Woman in Tech. There’s a great article in regard to this topic which you can  read here. And, if you have been a part of WebSummit and/or would like to share your opinion regarding the gender diversity issue join a Survey conducted by Survey Monkey, direct link available here.

About Romexsoft:

Romexsoft is a software development consultancy dedicated to Java applications with our own development center located in Lviv, Ukraine and a client base around Europe and USA.

During the last 12 years we’ve developed and successfully delivered more than 100 projects to our clients in Fintech, HealthCare and Broadcast Media industries.

We are obsessed about innovations and their implementation into our processes, so we could provide effective and market competitive solutions to industry leaders and startups with creative ideas.

Learn more at our web application development company or contact us to get more insights.

Written by Romexsoft on November 23, 2016

Nataliia Orlovska
Nataliia Orlovska Digital Marketing Strategist, Romexsoft
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